From the Project to CAD
Il progetto viene “splittato” ed inviato alla fase esecutiva, dove le attrezzature e le macchine da taglio eseguono alla perfezione i componenti dello stand fieristico. Il reparto Produzione Interna Falegnameria ci consente di realizzare stand di ogni dimensione, partendo dal progetto creativo.
The Internal Joinery Production Department together with the outfitters team highly specialized, ad hoc guarantees the realization of each booth, according to customer needs.
Processing and Finishing
Each project follows a processing and custom finish, from cutting to glossy lacquer or opaque. Our sfatt carpenters, working in symbiosis with each department. The materials once cut are customized with simple or lacquering with paint. All products can be ordered with fireproof materials certification.
Quality check
Quality control is the stage where all products are verified materials internally before packing and delivery to “fitters” department. A detailed technical data sheet will accompany the processing up to the stage of the true construction.